Why Walk

Oh man, can you believe the New Year is right around the corner. It is a good time for us to take a good look at how well we did this year taking care of our health.  It is also a good time to review several reasons why it is good to get out there and walk.

It has been proven that walking can reduce stress. If you are at work or home and things are beginning to get out of hand take a brisk walk. If you have small children put them in a wagon or stroller and get outside and walk. If you are at work take a brisk lunchtime walk. Often your walk will leave you feeling calmer and in control. Give it a try.

Theses day, with all the electronics at home and at work our brains are often on overload. Walking helps clear your head and gives you a break from “information overload”. If it is impossible for you to walk outside try to find a mall or large store and walk inside.

You may find it interesting that a study at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California states that walking may be better at helping prevent heart disease than running. Now that is good news for many of us. The study found that walking can help reduce blood pressure and cholesterol.

With so much going on in the modern home often our relationships struggle. It is good for couples to set aside a time to walk together. Walking gives you time to talk and visit without interruptions. The same can be said for the parent child relationship or for friends. In fact, why not leave the cell phones at home and take the entire family for a walk together.

Walking at a moderate rate everyday can improve your mood, help with weight loss, and improve you muscle tone. Now if all this happens you know your self confidence will improve. There is no way around it, walking is good for you.

A walk that “builds up a sweat” has a positive impact on your complexion by purging the skin of toxins, boosting blood and oxygen flow and encouraging natural oils to be produced.

We could go on and on about thinking of way walking can help us improve our health or maintain our good health. Many of us are unable to run or find time to go to a gym. While it may be more fun to walk with a friend or family member not being able to do so is no excuse for not walking. If you cannot walk for 30 minutes a day walk for 10 minutes 3 times a day. When possible take the stairs, park as far away from the entrance of the store as you can, and walk instead of driving when “running lunch time errands.

These are just a few of the benefits of walking. For more ways to improve your health and get those extra pounds off call Weigh to Wellness. (205 994 2393) Don’t wait until the New Year. Call them today to get a “jump start” on the new you. Their professionals have the tools you need to becoming the healthy person you want to be this coming year.


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