
Factors in a Medical Exam That Help You Lose Weight

You may have formed the ideal body weight in your mind and have always worked to achieve it. It’s easy to imagine your weight as a dial that you can turn whenever you want. However, it’s a small portion of your body’s overall health system. 

Weight loss isn’t usually achieved by altering your diet or increasing your physical activity. Getting a thorough knowledge of your body’s unique functions requires a closer examination of what’s going on beneath the surface.

There are various elements that can influence your weight loss efforts. Food, exercise, and lifestyle changes are among them. You can use tools and tips to stay on track. You should also be aware of what not to do. 

Before starting a new regimen, it’s recommended to see your doctor for a medical exam. They can help you create a regimen and track your progress safely. Small changes can have a significant impact on your health.

Determining a Healthy Goal Weight

Setting a realistic and achievable weight loss goal is crucial because it sets the course to where you want to be in the long run. Your target weight for the future should not be a random figure, a proportion of your current weight, or a garment size. 

It’s crucial to control your expectations. Your current BMI and optimal weight can be determined with the help of a medical professional. They’ll also tell you when you may expect to see results.

Checking for Hormonal Issues

Hormones have a significant impact on how your body manages weight. Reproductive difficulties in women, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), can promote weight gain or make it harder to lose weight. 

Andropause, also known as male menopause, is characterized by a decline in testosterone levels in males, which can result in weight gain. 

Hypothyroidism, or thyroid gland underactivity, causes weight gain and difficulties losing weight in both men and women. 

Your doctor can run a set of tests to examine your hormone levels and see whether there are any deeper issues stopping you from achieving your weight-loss goals.

Recognizing Medications and Their Effects

A big side effect of taking medicine is weight gain. Steroids, antidepressants, anti-anxiety, and hypertension drugs are among the most common offenders. 

This is why some weight loss clinics require their visitors to bring a complete list of medications so that their medical staff can assess how these medications may affect weight loss. 

You should never stop taking your meds because a side effect includes weight gain. Your doctor may be able to recommend alternatives or devise a plan that takes into account the impact that your medicine will play if you consider your weight in context.

Being Serious about Nutrition

You should eat less calories than your body absorbs to lose weight. Calories come from the meals and beverages you consume, and certain foods are higher in calories than others. Empty calories are also found in some foods. These are high in calories but low in nutritional value.

Most experts agree that losing more than two pounds every week is excessive. This could mean you’re dropping muscle mass and water weight rather than stored fat. It can sap your vitality and cause you to regain the weight you’ve lost.

Understanding Your Lifestyle

Both adults and children should engage in regular physical activity since it is necessary for weight loss and excellent health.

To make dietary and activity modifications, you may need to adjust your routine. This could involve getting up earlier to exercise or bringing your lunch to avoid fast food. 

Other lifestyle adjustments should be made in addition to food and exercise. Getting enough sleep can aid weight loss since hormones are affected by sleep.

You should also strive to lower your stress level because many experts associate stress with weight gain.


There are a few things to think about before beginning any weight loss program. If you’re up against a roadblock to losing weight, it can be the cause of weight gain in the first place. 

You should also exercise caution when seeking counsel because your weight-loss strategy should be both safe and effective.

Weigh to Wellness offers medical weight loss solutions in Birmingham. Our weight loss programs are overseen by board-certified medical professionals with over 25 years of experience in weight management. Contact us today and let us help you achieve your weight goals.

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