Obesity Treatment – And Why It’s Important [Updated 10/18]

Obesity is one of the leading causes of heart disease, cancer, liver disease, osteoarthritis, and type 2 diabetes in the United States. Beyond the physical ailments, obesity can also bring on mental illness by causing you to develop a poor self-image, causing you to feel depressed, and making you feel tired from the second you wake up to the second you go to sleep. Obesity treatment is crucial for maintaining a healthy U.S. population.

Just take a look at these statistics (healthline.com) and you’ll see how dire the problem of obesity is:

  • Obesity increases your risk for over 60 serious illnesses and conditions, not just limited to the ones mentioned above. Other conditions with an established connection to obesity include stroke, gallstones, sleep apnea, and an array of pregnancy complications.
  • More than 30% of American adults are medically obese.
  • 16% of children in the United States are obese

Every year — in fact, every day, thousands of us spend thousands of dollars on fad diets, exercise equipment, and diet programs. The fad diets do not work, we don’t stick to the diet programs, and after the first few weeks, most of us do not use the exercise equipment.

However, that’s not to say that there’s no solution – our weight loss clinic, Weigh To Wellness, features a program that does work, is easy to stick with, and is supervised by medically trained health care professionals who actually care. We care about you as a person, and we want you to be healthy!

In our clinic, you will be offered a program that is customized to you as an individual. In fact, you will have input into the program that you feel will best suit your lifestyle. Most people are pleased to find out that we offer low calorie diet plans and highly supervised, pre-packaged meals. You will be able to pick from a wide variety of snacks, drinks, and supplements. Of course, you’ll want to be left on your own to make the decision as to what is best for you. You will have a staff member that will guild you in every decision you need to make to help you reach your goals.

There are many reasons you should choose our medical weight loss clinic to help you lose weight and become the healthiest person you can be. Our process is simple. If you simply follow the guidelines we give you, you will see success that you have not seen with any other program you have tried. One of the key reasons you will be successful is that our staff works with you, and you will develop a bond and personal relationship with us! The Weigh To Wellness team consists of healthcare professionals who have developed a proven method for obesity treatment. The program offers a comprehensive treatment plan for medical conditions such as diabetes, coronary heart disease, cardiovascular damage, hypertension, and sleep apnea. Many are not aware that with just a 5-10% reduction in weight, you may experience health improvements including a reduction in blood glucose, blood pressure, and cholesterol!

You can learn to make everyday lifestyle modifications, and that is the cornerstone of long-term weight management. You will receive the educational resources to help you make wiser choices with food, exercise, stress and relapse management, effectively creating long-term success. You will also be offered ongoing programs and support in maintenance once you have reached your goals. The maintenance programs are free of charge! Your body will thank you!

To learn more about our personalized programs and how they apply to you, visit our Programs page for details.

Don’t put off your journey to a healthier you any longer.  Call Weigh to Wellness today.  205-994- 2393

Last updated 10/9/18

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