Stay Healthy

Today while visiting with the coffee club the discussion came up about the holidays. It is hard to believe Thanksgivings and Christmas are so close. Uncle Bud reminded us that the older we get the closer one Christmas seems to get to the next. As you know by now it does not take Uncle Bud long to take any conversation from the subject being discussed to the subject of staying healthy. The question he posed was, “As fall approaches do you find yourself losing interest in exercising and eating healthy”? You know, we all agreed that is often the case. Ruth admits it is easier for her to stay gung ho when the weather is good and her goal is to look better for summer than it is when she can blame the extra pounds on heavier clothes. All the ladies in the group got a laugh out of that because we have all be guilty of doing so. However, Uncle Bud reminded us that staying healthy isn’t just about how we look. No, it is much more than that. Staying healthy is about feeling our best and taking care of the person we spend the most time with, our self.
Uncle Bud proceeded to challenge us to start now preparing to have the best holidays ever but to do so while maintaining the healthy habits we have worked toward. While we do not know if it is a true fact or just an “Uncle Bud” fact we recall him telling us it takes 10 times longer to break a bad habit than it does to form a bad habit.
Most of us have bought into the fact that is important to feel good about you. The coffee club has enabled us to be around people who encourage us to have good health habits. Andy makes a points out that none of us ladies are going to look like Barbie or the men like Tim Tebow but we can feel good about ourselves by doing all we can to “stay healthy”. So it may be time to rethink your role model.
As the holidays approach rethink what makes you overate. One key to staying motivated is to be aware of your problem areas and plan ahead how you will deal with them. Make up your mind to enjoy every party but not by overeating. It is easier to say no to that second helping if you have set your resolve to do so before your arrive.
Get yourself a cheering section. We have each other at the coffee club and have found it helps to have someone to account to and who will encourage you when you are having a hard time mustering up the determination from within. Don’t just call on your support group when you are having trouble but let them know when you have reached a small weight loss or exercise goal. It is more fun to celebrate with someone.
As we leave Uncle Bud reminds us that we can get the support, encouragement, and everything else we need to get us started, or to help us remain on track, for a healthy lifestyle change at Weigh to Wellness. Give them a call at 205-994-2393 or visit them on the web at

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